Tuesday, February 24, 2015

First 5K run/walk



This cartoon is exactly why I prefer cruising. By being "forced" to not  use my phone for fear of outrageous charges to my cell phone bill, I do not feel the guilt when I see certain numbers pop up on my phone and choose to decline answering it or answering it and being persuaded to take that extra shift!

Unfortunately, we did not go on a cruise this past weekend. Sad, I know! But my family and I participated in our first 5K fun run/walk this past weekend in San Antonio. I have pictures, but like the other posts, getting them from the smartphone to the laptop is a chore. It was quite a funny thing for me. While I have been jokingly been deemed the fastest walker in the hospital, and the grocery store, and the shopping mall, and the airport, etc. etc., I came in last among my family members. I paced myself. Slow and steady did not win the race, but I finished it! It was our first ever and we did not train for it.

We stayed in a hotel for two nights. The kids enjoyed the heated pool. The weather was great. Not too cold and not too hot for a major (to us its major!) exercise endeavor, the 5K. Our kids really enjoyed both the 5K and the pool; and we hope to make it a monthly activity. Of course we will mix it up a bit. We don't want to get into a boring routine of the same retreats.

Having suffered burnout three months ago, this winter break has done wonders for me. It is doing what I had intended -- make me miss nursing so I will go back to it. It has also allowed me to reflect on the root cause (nurses are good at that, aren't we?). I am beginning to think that my attitude began to suffer because our nursing team and its leadership was suffering. Nurses, while we are often overheard saying, "I don't take it personally," we really cannot help but feel some sort of responsibility. While placing the blame never is the answer, accepting the responsibility and being accountable is the answer. Sometimes stepping away, no matter how hard it is to do, is the right answer.

So what are you doing for yourself this month? Nothing planned? What about this week? Surely you have something planned for this week's days off. We all have laundry, cleaning house, errands, bills to pay...but what are you doing for yourself? Don't forget to pencil in -- actually use a black permanent marker so you cannot erase your penciled in time -- some time for yourself, even if it is just 30 minutes. Maybe a 30-minute power nap will do the trick? Maybe a 30-minute jog or walk? Or what about an arts and crafts class at the local art studio? You make time for everyone else...make time for  yourself too. Schedule it in!

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