Sunday, February 8, 2015

Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who has commented on my blog. I can humbly say I am so proud! This was my first attempt...ever! Some how a tech genuis somewhere, designed this program so that every time someone posted to my blog, I received an email through my yahoo address on my iPhone. I have no idea how that was happening, but it was great! I was able to keep up with the blog throughout the week...and it has been a very trying week for me. The comments that I received were genuine and positive. It was very inspirational...and much needed this week. However, I was unable to add to or respond on my phone. 
I had not intended to keep up the blog after this course; however, because of the comments that I have been receiving this week, I will try to keep it going. It might just be that new hobby I have been needing and a great de-stressor for me! Each one of you is very much appreciated for commenting honestly and sharing with me this great opportunity to take my own advice! We truly are our own worst enemy at times.
Thanks again!

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