Saturday, February 14, 2015

Forest Bathing

Today my family and I went forest bathing. Wonderful sounds. Interesting smells. Lots of sunshine and lots of pecan trees. Carpet grass. Lake. Flowing water through the dam into the Guadalupe river. Campfire. Fish fry. The guys went boating, but the girls stayed back today. I will upload pictures this next week.

Weinstein (2015) suggests that nurses must make time for themselves in order to decompress. She states that "forest bathing" is a great way to do that. It literally means taking a walk and spending time in a forest getting back to nature (Weinstein 2015).

Since today is Valentine's Day, my husband threw in an extra special surprise. He had flowers delivered to the campground for me. Pink roses with white Gerber daisies with pink centers. I will have to upload pictures of the flowers next week too. Talk about surprised! I wasn't expecting flowers and I surely never would have expected them to be delivered by the florist at a lake out of town and on a Saturday! (And he must have paid cash because I have not seen any charges come through the financial statements! Hooray for him! I'm one lucky girl!)

Nursing keeps our minds very busy and we need some downtime. Sometimes if that means shutting your phone off and sleeping late, then do it! If your only nurse's retreat is the quiet of your bedroom with no phone, then take what you can get. But you need to take that day off and put in that vacation request! I am so glad I did! It was worth it.

What are you going to do for yourself today? Do you have big plans in the works?

Weinstein, S. (2015). B is for Balance. 2nd Ed. Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International.

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